Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP)
A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) is a document that outlines how a construction project will reduce its negative environmental impact. It’s a working document that provides a framework for planning and implementing construction activities in a way that complies with environmental legislation.
It is a requirement for developers to submit a CEMP as part of an application to develop a construction project after receiving planning permission.
Why Choose Us For Your CEMP?
A CEMP should include details on how the Project will:
Comply with environmental legislation
Use sustainable practices like waste management and habitat preservation
Manage potentially adverse impacts like noise, vibrations, and air quality
Communicate with the public, and
Monitor the CEMP throughout the Project.
Other things to consider within your CEMP include:
Pollution prevention measures
Drawing plans that show buffers between storage, mixing, and refueling areas, and watercourses
Working hours and vehicle access
Potential contamination of land, groundwater, and ecology
Effective implementation of a CEMP depends on good communication between the public and all project stakeholders.
We can help you in the creation and submission of this and all essential Planning Reports.
You can find details of our other Planning Report Services just below and please do Contact Us for more information, or Request A Quote.
Further Planning Report Services

Construction Management Plans (CMP)

Construction Logistics Plans (CLP)